Natural Cures Not Medicine: Stuff They Don't Want You to Know - The Placebo Effect

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Stuff They Don't Want You to Know - The Placebo Effect

The placebo effect is just part the the "Stuff they don't want you to know". Great, but what is it? The fda standard measurement of testing a new drug against a sugar pill. Does it perform better than a sugar pill? Great. Approved. The point they over look is that we are far more powerful than many allow you to believe and it's time we all start finding the truth. The power of the mind goes much further than just being able to cure simple health problems. If you research "Spontaneous Recession" and "Cure cancer in 3 Minutes" you can find further examples of the power of the mind and curing cancer.

Cure Cancer 3 minutes! Bet you didn't learn this in school


  1. The sole purpose of the drug compainies is to make money and create returning customers. Some medications are necessary to save a life but not all of these in commercials.

  2. Exactly. Way better for them to have a cronic treatment long term rather than an actual cure

  3. The longer the treatment and not curing the illness, equals more money for the DRUG companies! AND BETTER VACATIONS FOR MANAGEMENT!

  4. With all the advances made I cannot believe they can't cure asthma,oh yes I can,the cost of my medications,if I was not poor would be $195-225 per month.Hundreds of thousands of people in America suffer this ,a large amount due to second hand smoke and enviromental pollutants,shame on Pfizer and Astra Zeneca

  5. I'd suggest this is the same reason "prayer" works. People believe it will and things happen. So, rather than prayers, we offer placebo pills and people will still receive the same answers from God, I suppose.


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